Data Resources

No more working in a bubble! Tag is designed to be compatible with well-known public data resources, and to connect you with open standards and models for your industry. Utilizing shared models keeps you up to date with best practices and allows you to work seamlessly with a broader business community.

Some examples of notable public resources are listed below.

General business use

Web search and online commerce

--> is a knowledge graph that organizes much of the world as a browser sees it
--> Google knowledge graph is a very powerful tool, but you need to know what you’re looking for


Wikipedia knowledge graphs

--> DBpedia has curated graphs representing knowledge extracted from Wikipedia
--> Wikidata is central storage for structured data used in Wikipedia and other sites

YAGO knowledge base

--> YAGO is a large knowledge base about people, cities, countries, movies and organizations


--> BabelNet is a collection of synonyms and translations in various languages


--> GeoNames is a global geographical database containing over eleven million placenames


--> MusicBrainz is an open music encyclopedia that collects music metadata

Provenance metadata

--> PROV is a data model describing the origins of digital assets



--> FIBO is the Financial Industry Business Ontology
--> FRO is about regulatory compliance


--> FHIR has standards for electronic health records
--> ICD-10-CM contains the terms for the International Classification of Diseases
--> RxNorm is a model for clinical drugs
--> SNOMED contains medical and clinical terminology
--> OGMS is the Ontology for General Medical Science
--> MedDRA is for data entry, retrieval, analysis and display in the medical field
--> CPT is the Current Procedural Terminology
--> IDMP is the Ontology for Medicinal Products


--> LKIF is a model of commonsense-based legal ontology


--> IRO is for Insurance Regulatory Reporting


--> AUTO is the Automotive Ontology


--> NIST is the Ontology for the Manufacturing Industry

Data mining

KDnuggets open source knowledge graphs

--> KDnuggets is a great list of public datasets for data mining

Linked open data cloud

--> LOD Cloud is the largest knowledge graph collective on the planet, by far